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I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was only in middle school. I had to wear a back brace and was constantly in pain whether I was sitting or standing. I depended on the back brace a lot as a child and my posture has suffered for it ever since I stopped wearing it. Since then, I have focused on my posture and my furniture in a way that has lessened the pain and other issues I've had associated with scoliosis.
It is very important to get yourself chairs, mattresses, and even sofa sets that will support good posture and good sitting habits. Even a bad couch potato evening on a sofa and loveseat can leave you in pain for days.
If you, like me, want to take control of your back pain, consider these tips. First, sit and stand up straight. This is going to hurt for a few days because the muscles in your back are not used to this position. When you walk down the street, it's going to feel like you're pushing your chest out, trust me, you aren't. A good way of trying to sit and stand straight is by drawing a line from your shoulders to your hips. If they are aligned you're sitting or standing properly. Keep your feet flat on the floor when you sit as well. Crossing your legs can cause massive hip pain for those with scoliosis.
Sectional sofas are a scoliosis sufferer's best friend. The large amount of space allows there to be more than one person on the sofa at one time and allows you to use the space to your advantage, sitting upright properly. The best part about a sectional sofa is the chaise lounge or the "L" couch shape on the end. This allows you, when you are having back pain, to lie on your back without being scrunched into a too small space or curling into a ball on your side. Keeping your hips and shoulders aligned even when lying down is important for your posture and your back pain.
You will find that this simple trick will not only save you a lot of pain, but the muscles in your back will soon be more limber, you will have less stress on your abdomen, and you might even find that you have more energy!
A well postured person, even if they have scoliosis, will encounter less back pain. These tips and furniture items will help you to move toward good posture habits, more use of your body and muscles, and a less painful life.